Tuesday, October 11, 2016

1st quarter reflections

As we end the first quarter at Northwest I am reminded of the saying, "Time flies when you are having fun!"  This first nine has been fun and also trying at times.  Teaching six different classes can be a challenge but it also keeps me sharp.  Computer Science Principles and Computer Science A are in their second and first years, respectively.  Students are doing a great job. Some call it computer science but I call is problem solving.  Trying to get a program to work correctly and realizing there can be more than one way to solve that problem is a daily occurrence.  Hopefully the students are learning lessons that will benefit them long after they leave the halls of Northwest High School

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

NW Students reaching out to the WORLD!!!!

Giving my students access to the world.  This year in my PLTW classes I am having my students develop their own weebly sites.  They are using them to create a digital portfolio.  It is a work in progress and many students are cranking it up.  If you want to check these out head to my weebly.  http://jeffpaige.weebly.com/  Click on any of the tabs to access many of my students projects that they are sharing with the world.