Monday, January 16, 2017

ICE Monday

Sitting at home because of ICE storm.  But, I am getting schoolwork done as I brought home some projects to grade.  CEA students had to put together their Affordable Housing Projects.  Had some very good projects.  Amazing to see what students can accomplish when they put their mind to it.

Went to Kearney On Saturday to their VEX Robotics competition.  Took along five students so they could see what was happening.  They are now super excited but also feeling a little anxious as we have only two weeks before we compete at Ravenna.  More to follow on this.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

2017: Get ready

Back at Northwest High.  Second semester starting off with a bang.  After two days classes are going well.  Students are getting involved in their projects.  CEA students are putting together their Affordable Housing Design projects.  POT classes are redesigning Putt-Putt boats.  POE students are finally seeing where the Pythagorean Theory helps build trusses.  CSP, CSA, and Exploring Tech students are diving deeper into computer programming and app development.  Hopefully all students will strive to do their best and learn from each other and myself.  My plan is to get students to start blogging about their experiences and reflect on what they are learning.